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Donating bone marrow to cure life-threatening blood cancers

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For 2020-2021, HOSA's national service project is Be the Match. Be the Match is an organization focused on helping blood cancer patients find their cure through blood marrow donations. Our goal this year is to have 75% of our HOSA members sign up for the Be the Match service project. Please help us reach our goal for this year by encouraging your family and friends to join the registry! General information about registry and donations will be located in the FAQs below.


Q: What is the age requirement?

A: You must 18-44 years old to join the registry.

Q: How can students help if they aren’t old enough to join the registry?

A: You can spread awareness and reach out to your family and friends to ask them to join the registry!

Q: How does someone join?

A: Simply text HOSA to 61474. A URL will then be sent to the individual to fill out information and a swab kit will be mailed to their home for them to swab the inside of their mouth. If they match with a patient, they will receive more information about donating.

Q: How soon will I know if I am a match?

A: You stay on the registry until your 61st birthday. You may never match a patient, or you could match someone within the first couple of months of joining or years from now.

Q: Does it hurt?

A: The majority of donations are similar to a blood donation. The needle will be in the vein of your arm, not your bone. The small percentage of donations that are through the hip are done under general anesthesia.


If you have other questions, please contact an advisor, officer, or Be the Match Community Engagement Representative Benita Davis at her email, phone 409-782-2825, or the Be the Match website below for more details.


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