There is a wide variety of Health Science events in Alabama. Please be sure you have the right study materials, event guidelines (located below each event description), and know the general rules and regulations, which are located in the link below.
Purpose: To encourage HOSA members to explore and learn about the promotion of mental health, resilience and well-being; the prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders; and the support of those who are in recovery, their families and the health community.
Description: The event shall be a written test requiring competitors to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information related to behavioral health. Competitors will recognize, identify, define, interpret and apply behavioral health terms and concepts in a 100 item multiple choice test plus one tie-breaker essay question. Written test will measure knowledge and understanding at the recall, application or analysis levels. Higher-order thinking skills will be incorporated as appropriate.

Purpose: To encourage HOSA members to explore and learn about the importance of cultural competence for the promotion of health, the prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders, and the support of those in a diverse health community and to identify disparities in health care.
Description: The event shall be a written test requiring competitors to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information related to cultural diversity and disparities in healthcare. Competitors will recognize, identify, define, interpret and apply cultural terms and concepts in a 100-item multiple-choice test plus a one tie-breaker essay question. Written test will measure knowledge and understanding at the recall, application or analysis levels. Higher-order thinking skills will be incorporated as appropriate.

In this event, you will learn about human growth and development, including the biophysical, mental/cognitive, social, and emotional development in the health community.
Competition: A 100 item multiple choice written test requiring competitors to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information related to human growth and development, plus one tie-breaker essay question.

This event is for members who want to improve their abilities to identify, solve, and apply mathematical principles used in the health community.
Description: This event shall be a written test dealing with selected problems involving conversions between the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales and the metric and household systems of measurement. Competitors will solve complex math problems utilized in health professions, in addition to identifying and interpreting related symbols and abbreviations in a 50 item test plus 10 tie-breaker problems.

Compete in this event if you want to practice your reading comprehension and understanding of special topics related to leadership development in the health community!
Competition:A written test dealing with knowledge gained from reading the selected books each year. Competitors will apply, analyze, synthesize and/or evaluate the reading material in a multiple choice test plus one tie-breaker essay question.

This event is for those who want to compete with their ability to define and spell medical terminology.
Round One: a 50 item multiple choice test. The top scoring competitors will advance to Round Two.
Round Two: a “spelldown” where competitors will orally spell terms. Competitors will be eliminated when a medical term is misspelled. The last remaining competitor in Round Two becomes the first-place winner.

The purpose of this event is to encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the prefixes, suffixes, roots and anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and occupations related to the health community.
Description: This event shall be a 100 item multiple choice written test with 20 tie-breakers dealing with selected terms common to health professions and health specialties. Competitors will recognize, identify, define, interpret and apply medical terms.

In this event, you will explore and learn about the relationship of nutrition and wellness and to assess knowledge common in the health community.
Competition: Competitors will recognize, identify, define, interpret or apply terms related to nutrition in a 100 item multiple choice test plus one tie-breaker essay question.

The purpose of this event is to encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the prefixes, suffixes, roots, anatomy and physiology of human diseases impacting the health community.
Competition: Competitors will recognize, identify, define, interpret and apply terms related to human diseases and conditions related to pathophysiology in a 100 item multiple choice test plus one tie-breaker essay question.