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Infographics and Thank You Cards

While not everyone is back in school, you still need to have 2 service hours this semester! You can earn them by making infographics or thank you cards. More info at the meetings!

Community: Welcome


This year, HOSA is partnering with Be the Match for the national service project. Be the Match is focused on helping patients with blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma find their matching donor for their transplant. Be the Match also has the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world and has facilitated more than 100,000 blood stem cell transplants. 

To register, just text 'HOSA' to 61474. The participant will receive a link to an information form to fill out, and a swab kit will be mailed to their home for them to swab the inside of their mouth.

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Community: About
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At least once a week, before and after school, we hold a desk washing session for 30 minutes to keep our school clean for our students. Be sure to sign and check in with Mrs Lawson to pick up your hall assignment!

More Volunteering Opportunities
Community: Image


Every year, we host 2 blood drives: once in the fall and once in spring. Because of COVID-19, for this upcoming school year, we may or may not host blood drives. Everybody must contribute in some form or fashion, and participation is vital, since many members of the community come together to save lives. Students can lead students to and from the blood drive buses, be helping inside the buses, or by bringing in food as well.

Community: Image
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