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Alabama HOSA offers a couple of options for you to compete in Emergency Preparedness. Please be sure you have the right study materials, event guidelines (located below each event description), and know the general rules and regulations, which are located in the link below.


CERT Skills provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for disaster preparedness and response. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of 2 people. Round One is a written, multiple choice test and the top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and respond efficiently to complex community hazards in the absence of emergency services.



CPR/First Aid is a partner event that provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for team first aid and basic life support. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of 2 people. Round One is a written, multiple choice test and the top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and be equipped with the skills to provide immediate, lifesaving actions in the absence of emergency services .

Emergency Preparedness Events: Categories


Emergency Medical Technician provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for emergency medical care. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of 2 people. Round One is a written, multiple choice test and the top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and be equipped with resilience, physical strength and problem-solving skills to provide immediate treatment in emergencies.

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Epidemiology provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge in regard to health and disease in populations. This competitive event consists of a written examination of concepts related to the study of epidemiology. Competitors are expected to recognize, identify, define, interpret and apply these concepts in a multiple choice test. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and improve their scientific literacy as well as provide insights into public health careers.

Emergency Preparedness Events: Categories


MRC Partnership provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to initiate and maintain a partnership with their local/state Medical Reserve Corps units. This competitive event is designed for students to demonstrate the spirit and mission of both the MRC and HOSA in joint partnership activities. Each team consists of 2 to 6 competitors and teams will prepare a portfolio highlighting partnership activities that improve public health, increase emergency response capabilities, and strengthen the resiliency of local communities. This event aims to inspire members to engage with the Medical Reserve Corps to learn more about community-based groups committed to strengthening public health.



Public Health provides HOSA members with the opportunity to develop an effective, dynamic and creative presentation that informs the public about an important public health issue. The team consists of 2-6 members. The event consists of two rounds. In the initial round the team has the opportunity to convince a panel of judges of the need to view their entire presentation. The highest scoring teams will advance to Round 2 where a panel of judges will view the entire presentation. The event aims to inspire members to be proactive health professionals by producing a presentation that educates the public in regard to a selected public health topic.

2020-2021 Public Health Topic: Reducing Health Disparities: Social Determinants of Health Can Help! (read Guidelines for more information)

Emergency Preparedness Events: Categories


Veterinary Science provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for diagnosis and treatment of animals. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds. Round One is a written, multiple choice test and the top scoring competitors will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to learn more about the field of veterinary care.

Emergency Preparedness Events: Categories
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