HOSA competition provides perfect opportunities to showcase your inner -and outer- leader through Leadership Events. Please be sure you have the right study materials, event guidelines (located below each event description), and know the general rules and regulations, which are located in the link below.
Interviewing Skills provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to apply for and obtain employment. This competitive event requires competitors to prepare a cover letter and resume, and participate in a job interview with judge. This event aims to inspire members to learn more about applying for health-related positions.
This event is specifically for HOSA members who are classified under IDEA.

Job Seeking Skills provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to apply for and obtain employment. This competitive event requires competitors to prepare a cover letter and resume, and participate in a job interview with judge. This event aims to inspire members to learn more about applying for health-related positions.

Health Care Photography provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge about different health careers and analyze them through the medium of digital photography. Competitors will photograph three different health professionals performing an aspect of their job, edit the photos using computer software technology as needed, provide a written description of the career and then may present their three printed pictures to a panel of judges. This event aims to inspire members to use photography as a means to explore health careers.

Prepared Speaking provides HOSA members with the opportunity to improve knowledge and skills surrounding effective oral communication. This competitive event requires competitors to develop a speech related to a selected national topic. The topic for the year aligns to the HOSA membership theme, which is announced at the conclusion of the International Leadership Conference every year.
This year's theme (2020-21): "Unlock your Potential"

Research Poster provides HOSA members with the opportunity to think critically about a health-related issue in their community; pose a research question surrounding the chosen topic; and conduct research on that topic. All competitors will develop a Research Poster showcasing their findings. Postsecondary / Collegiate members have an added presentation in which they must present their research to a panel of judges.